Today The Fixer has been on a Geography field trip to Castleton in the Peak District.
She phoned at about three o'clock to let me know she was on the coach on her way home.
Her: Hi Mum! I've bought loads of stuff! What would you like for a present?
Me: What's the choices?
Her: Do you like Kendal Mint Cake?
Me: Not really. What's the other choices?
Her: Well, there was a Bakewell Flapjack, but I'm halfway through it.
Me: I'll have the Kendal Mint Cake.

For Sale: One bar of tooth-rottingly sweet Kendal Mint Cake. Hardly Used.
Any offers?
UPDATED: Can you imagine taking a pound of sugar and dampening it just enough to be able to mould it into an oblong bar?
You can?
That's Kendal Mint Cake.
is mint cake candy? ummm it doesn't sound very good, so i'll pass : )
do you ship international?
This is weird, but mint makes me feel hungry. The vapor I guess? Anyway, that's a, "No, thank you." :)
It looks tempting but I'm not sure what it is, so I'll pass.
Now, if it was Cadbury's chocolate, or a jar of marmite, I'd come over myself to get it.
It's nice she offered though... :)
Bella x
Yeah, if it was a Crunchie or something, I'd take it. Never heard of this concoction. What is it???
My eldest son always buys us Kendal Mint Cake, whenever he travels vaguely north, too. WHY? I can feel my teeth falling out as I look at the wrapper. Then he moans if nobody eats it.
I must try and remember to ask for something different, next time he goes away for a few days, in the nicest possible way, of course!
I will pass too thanks. My teeth don't need any help rotting, & I want to hang onto the remaining ones!
I'd be willing to try it. I'm up for anything once! :)
I LOVE Kendal Mint Cake! I'll have it! Me! Me!
It is tooth rotting, and I can't manage more than one or two bits at a time, but pure iced sugar dipped in mint (especially the brown variety...) Mmmm Memories of a misspent youth.
yeah - there's only so much sugar even a sweet tooth can take...
Oh dear, not keen on that? its a bit strong!
i always associate kendal mint cake with walking types kitted out in full gear who pack it in their first aid boxes in the expectation that they will get stuck up a mountain in the lake district. if that happened to me and the choice was eat the mint cake or survive by hunting woolly mammoth, i would choose the latter.
I'll swap you some for that orange cream you couldn't find! They're my favourites so I hid them;)
Hmmmm . . . I wonder if it is all similar in taste to Dairy Queen's peppermint chip Blizzard. That is my favorite . . .
I've never heard of a Kendal Mint Cake. But did you say sugar? And mint?
I'm in. I'll give you one cent more than your highest bid.
I'll pass on the Kendall. I do have a fondness, however, for those little gumdrops called Spice Drops. Pure sugar with some gelatin and all manner of laboratory-produced artificial colors and flavors. They are quite disgusting to my higher, more evolved self, but on some primal level, I WANT them.
Oh, I'd have to try it... under the guise of buying for the kids, of course.
Well you could try sending it my way. It would feel right at home. Sugar is my friend. In fact it likes to visit my hips and stay a while...... a very LONG while.
So I'm up for it........ How much are you asking?
Gee, those darn kids are SO thoughtful!! :)
It's sweet, really - no pun intended -
to give up their SUGAR must be quite a sacrifice!
You're right--with our lovely children, sometimes the thought is actually better than the action. Counts for something though!
Now what do you mean about me telling a nice catholic girl jokes like that.
You're not telling me that catholic girls never heard them! I was told it was catholic girls invented jokes like that! ;0)
I dont fancy my pressed sugar bars with mint, but thanks anyway
Okay, so why do they call it cake? I'd be happy to give it a try, but probably my wee ones would sniff out the sugar and I wouldn't even get a bite ;-)
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
Hurray, I can open your page and comment now. It was a trial version of an antivirus prog. I was using. Now I have another one.
Yack, Kendal mint cake is VILE! My Dad kept trying to make me eat it when he was here in April. "I don't like sweet things" I said. "It's not sweet it's minty" came the reply. NOT SWEET!!!!!
Debs x
I hope you haven't been down at the market all weekend trying to sell the Kendal Cake...we'd have taken it off your hands, honest.
I hope you've had a good weekend though, whatever you've been doing...but come back soon. I need the daily fix.
And please light a candle for little Callum (on my blog)and keep him in your prayers.
Bella x
Looks like I missed the roast chicken, so I'll take the Kendal Mint cake instead. Ahhh, the tastes of home!!
Very good, apparently, if you're lost and in Kendal.
You and your lot do make me laugh!
ooh love kendal mint cake, especially when I'm up on the mountains with nothing to eat and desperate for some energy... well not really, but it's still nice!
I know it's tooth-rot, but I do love Kendal Mint Cake - it's a life-saver if you're lost in the hills, apparently... M :-)
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