Lastnight Renae left a comment saying she had tried to post an update on Chloe's progress, but she couldn't get it to work.
Poor girl. She tries - she's just not technically minded!!
Fortunately for Renae, she's so good at such a host of other things that it doesn't really matter!
Anyway this is what Renae wanted everyone to know:

I just spoke with Jennifer (Chloe's mum), and you will not believe this! They have already taken many of Chloe’s tubes out. She simply doesn’t need them. And they decided to move her out of ICU already! Except, there was no bed available, so she will stay in ICU one more night, and move to a regular room tomorrow. They expected her to be in Intensive Care for a long, long time, but we are seeing the power of prayer in her life!
Chloe has always had a bit of an olive complexion. Lovely, lovely girl. But now, her mother says she is as pink as a rose! Her counts (don’t ask me what counts) are dropping, which is proof that her new liver is already doing its job!
Today, Chloe has been awake, and has said, “Mama,” “eye,” “meow,” and countless, “What’s that?” “What’s that?” “What’s that?”, while pointing at various things.
She has not smiled yet. But under the circumstances, I don’t blame her.
We need to continue to pray that she does not get any infections or illnesses; it is crucial that she stay very healthy in the coming weeks.
Also pray for sleep for Jennifer and Mike.
Thank you all so much for your continued prayers! God is answering them, big time! Love you all.
Chloe has always had a bit of an olive complexion. Lovely, lovely girl. But now, her mother says she is as pink as a rose! Her counts (don’t ask me what counts) are dropping, which is proof that her new liver is already doing its job!
Today, Chloe has been awake, and has said, “Mama,” “eye,” “meow,” and countless, “What’s that?” “What’s that?” “What’s that?”, while pointing at various things.
She has not smiled yet. But under the circumstances, I don’t blame her.
We need to continue to pray that she does not get any infections or illnesses; it is crucial that she stay very healthy in the coming weeks.
Also pray for sleep for Jennifer and Mike.
Thank you all so much for your continued prayers! God is answering them, big time! Love you all.
Now, isn't that just the best news you've heard all day?
So glad to her she is doing better. I will continue to pray!
Wonderful, wonderful news. It has been that kind of day. Here's to continued progress!
In answer to your question: It's a bit in limbo, and I'd rather hold on to it until it's for sure, but yes I got some promising news today.
That is such great news! I have been keeping this one close - she is just a few weeks older than my little boy...I can't imagine what those poor parents have been going through!
Wonderful indeed .. and it sounds as if she will be going home soon too ... I am sure its a blood cell - red or white - count.
Keeping lots of good thoughts going
My very best wishes, children are just too precious for words.
I'm heading off for a bubble bath with a big smile on my face now! Thanks for letting us know. x
Brilliant news, thanks for passing it on.
Thank you all so very much! There is no doubt in my mind that prayers going up, around the world, have played a huge part in Chloe's progress.
And thanks, Jackie, for picking up the slack for my technical disabilities! ;-)
What wonderful news! She is just beautiful and yes, I'll add her to my prayer list.
I wrote a post a couple of days ago about a friend's child who just had a kidney transplant. Drop by and read it if you have a moment.
Peace - D
That is really heart warming new! SOOOOOOO pleased!
That's marvelous news to start off my morning. I'm so happy for that precious child... she really is a doll.
Miracles do happen! I'll continue to send Reiki. :)
what a beautiful face! sending all good wishes.
yes, it absolutely is!!!
I've just been catching up... and it is fantastic news. I hope she continues on the mend and that her parents get some rest.
Well done you (and Renae) for getting a posse of prayer sayers behind them!
Sometimes we get both what we need and what we want. Halleluiah..I'll keep praying too
Yay! Wonderful news about a precious girl. Praying here in Tennessee.....
It is the best news I've heard all day. She is such a beautiful child!!
This is the best kind of news possible. I can't imagine what she and her parents are going through. I'm so glad you posted this Jackie. It puts a lot of things into perspective.
Praying hard in New York...
Bella x
Wonderful news.
How lovely to stumble into this story at just a positive turning point. That Chloe is the picture of radiance!
Prayers, yes, they make a difference!
Yeah! so glad she is doing well, will continue to pray for God's perfect healing and peace. The smiles will come!
What a little doll she is!
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
The little darling, and what good news. She is already a little star, bless her. M xx
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