Thursday, 8 May 2008

Three Things....

.....I can't explain to my mother.

I was tagged for this one by Suburbia. Here goes:

1. The Father of This Lot.

My mother despises the Father of This Lot with a passion. So I cannot explain to her

a) the initial atrraction,

b) why we stayed together for so long or

c) why on earth I would still want to have anything to do with him.

From what you know of my life so far, I think you'd agree that this makes things rather difficult.......

2. The reason why God, in His wisdom, did not think it necessary to take both my dad and her TOGETHER.

This is a tough one. My answers have ranged from the ultra-nice 'It doesn't work like that Mum' to the exasperated 'Well, wouldn't that be lovely? I'm sure everyone would choose that if they could!' But to no avail. She deliberately misses the point that it's not her choice, or anyone else's choice. It's sad, and getting sadder, and I really don't know what to do about it.

3. The Offside Rule

Actually, that is a blatant lie. My mother knows quite a lot about football, but thinking about the previous two answers made me want to inject a bit of humour. For the sake of my sanity, you understand!


Suburbia said...

Oooops, I hope that your picture isn't a reflection of how my meme made you feel. I feel guilty now! Sorry. It was a hard on to pass on this meme because I had to make sure everyone I passsed it to was in contact with their mothers, and you had posted about doing lots of work for yours.

It's nice to have you back! I haven't read further but will do so now :)

Renae said...

So sorry your mother is still mourning your dad in such a strong way. I know it must be difficult. As far as her feelings for FOTL, I'm sure she just loves you and wants the best for you. She probably doesn't realize her feelings are actually making your life more difficult!

Love the picture. I feel that way right not - just finished balancing the checkbook! I had a check I couldn't find . . . but I found it finally, so all is good. But I still feel like the woman in the pic! :-)


Renae said...

Oops! Right now . . . not "right not". LOL!

Pam said...

the 'modern' look is very becoming on you motl. sorry bout the frustrated look though.

how terrible for your mum to still miss your dad so. i'm sure as much as she questions why not 'together', she knows down deep how it works. and wasn't there a quote that goes something like this?

"the heart loves who the heart loves"

Anonymous said...

The first line had me in stitches...

but I feel your pain. And hers. I can't imagine life without a soulmate.
I feel for you both...

Isn't it funny and weird how life can't be cubbyholed : this is funny, that is not? I guess that's what makes it poignant. We really do laugh through our tears sometimes - and sometimes we just have to shake our heads.

What a great picture. Somehow it communicates all of that exactly!

Daryl said...

I know I would say something like your 'isnt the lovely..' remark .. in fact I think I might have said something in the tone to mine.


Mrs. Fox said...

When my husband's grandmother was ill I had been sitting with her, holding her hand. She sighed deeply and turned to me with the sweetest smile, "At least I'll be with Scottie again." It struck me like a bolt that she had been without her soul mate for over 20 years. I didn't know what to say. I just squeezed her hand. She had never remarried. She was always so cheerful, it never occurred to me that she might be lonely. She passed away that night, and as sad as we all were, a part of me was happy for her.

Sarah - Kala said...

It's always tough missing a loved one who's gone from us. I was looking over my wedding album today and looked at a picture of my grandfather (he died in 2000 on Christmas Day). My eyes welled.

Time. Sometimes even time doesn't take care of the sorrow.

On a lighter note: you have lovely legs and those shoes really show off the contour of your calf. :-)

Amrita said...

I feel the same thing for my Mum. Its hard. Thankyou for sharing

Georgina said...

Wow it's tough when family don't gel and you feel like a pig in the middle. It's very sad that your Mum grieves for your Dad so. It must be hard on you too. Five kids, father of this lot and an unhappy mother. Bon Courage. Pud x

Kitty said...

My mum's on her own too. It's so hard, isn't it? They had all those years of togetherness, you can understand them hating the 'aloneness' now they are widowed. :-(


Akelamalu said...

There are some things that defy explanation to anyone not just mothers. :(

Cath said...

Oh bless you Jackie! That is one stressed mother/[ex?]wife/daughter! After such a stress free previous post.

Mothers are put on this earth to hate our love choices and exasperate us. I am sure we will do this to our offspring either because it is our role in life or because we need to exact some revenge somewhere, and mothers tend not to have new love interests or to need our approval.

Take some time out. You deserve that much.